List of pub­li­ca­tions from research con­ducted in Green­land by the High Arc­tic Insti­tute, The Pere­grine Fund, and the Green­land Pere­grine Fal­con Sur­vey; includes peer-reviewed jour­nal arti­cles and book sec­tions, dis­ser­ta­tions, and pop­u­lar arti­cles and books.  Pub­li­ca­tions which include data col­lected by the High Arc­tic Insti­tute, The Pere­grine Fund, and the Green­land Pere­grine Fal­con Sur­vey and which have been pro­vided to out­side researchers have also been included.  Arti­cles marked with an * were authored or co-authored by High Arc­tic Insti­tute sci­en­tists.  For copies of below papers which are not avail­able for down­load please con­tact

Peer-reviewed Pub­li­ca­tions  


Pop­u­lar Articles