Past and present sup­port­ers of the High Arc­tic Institute:

Calen Offield and The Offield Fam­ily Foundation

Wolf Creek Char­i­ta­ble Trust

Yvon Chouinard

Ruth O. and Brian Mutch

The Nor­cross Wildlife Foundation

William Wade, Jr.

The John Newell Wade Foundation

Augus­tana College

The Pere­grine Fund

Patri­cia Burnham


Jack Stephens

The Harry W. Mor­ri­son Foun­da­tion, Inc.

Jack and Ash­ley Cafferty

Kurt and Jen­nifer Burnham

Uni­ver­sity of North Texas

Kim and Colleen Pelle

Veron­ica Padulla

Julia Jarvis and Andrew, Elsa, Henry and Arthur Trout

Audubon Coun­cil of Illinois

Gre­gory Swanson

Robert and Judy Barday

Decatur Audubon Society

United States Geo­log­i­cal Survey

The Water­bird Society

The Seabird Group

North­west Illi­nois Audubon Society

Bai­ley Aasen

David Kel­ley

Jes­sica Headan